As he performs, a musician decides to add an LFO to a synth's filter cutoff knob, where no LFO existed before. It gets better: A sound is broken down into 256 individual bands, then each is tweaked one at a time in a unique way.

Old hat, right? Now, imagine this: the same single output socket sprouting no less than eight different cables connecting eight different effects. Elsewhere, a MIDI cable links a MIDI input to a synthesizer, which is in turn connected to a mixer. /rebates/3ft3d242588&.com252fshowthread. More cables connect the effect to a mixer. Is this a familiar picture? Cables lead from a microphone input into a small digital effect.
Variety of Sound plugins Damn fine tools for mixing and mastering, all of them free.Top Software Keywords Show more Show less Glitchmachines plugins "Glitch" seems to be becoming a bit of a buzzword these days, but in this case it really is a decent descriptor of what a lot of the plugins do.
The standalone program is for OSX, which means I can't personally use it, but the source code patches for individual modules can be made into abstractions regardless of OS, and they're pretty good. "Modulate!" A standalone modular synth software made in Max. Also "Random Slice Container", which is probably the closest thing out there to a Max version of S-Layer. The "sound design with Max" patches Bunch of great stuff here, including Endjinn, one of the best asynchronous granular synths I know of. SalamanderAnagram's "transform" ensembles - He made these about 5 years ago, and they don't seem to be on the user library for whatever reason, but they're great. Even if you don't know what's going on though you can get some pretty unique stuff out of it with little effort.Ĭolugo's Blocks - All of them are criminally underrated. Jinrai - A really interesting synth, admittedly with a pretty unintuitive layout. It seems that if one is doing interesting research in music theory the result is always accompanied by some app or plugin, because that's where the money is (people looking to get hired by large SW companies, so they develop skills mainly in these areas). Something like Max that I can program myself and use to control hardware, is the exception. It's hard sometimes to follow these developments because I'm not much a fan of the closed environment of software.

I found also a link to Guerino Mazzola's book - Cool Math for Hot Music Thinking about it logically it may seem that the only way to use Bidule for audio processing is to load the audio file into the Audio Player Bidule's audio file pool have it sync to ProTools with ReWire & then record the output back into ProTools which kind of defeats the. I've been approaching polyrhythms more from the idea of phasing (horizontally) without realizing that there are very rich theoretical structures behind the content of such rhythms, and that there can be vertical as well as horizontal integration. As there is only a Midi in ReWire bidule & a 16ch audio output bidule. The idea of "well-formed" hierarchical structures, tonal as well as rhythmic is quite interesting. I followed various links to a CMJ article explaining the theory behind this tool:Ĭomputational creation and morphing of multilevel rhythms by control of evenness
It's kind of a formalization of stuff I've worked out on my own by trial and error. Thanks - everything on this site is interesting. Xronomorph (any of Dynamic Tonality's warez, really, I just included Xronomorph cos its the best tool I've seen for Euclidean rhythms) Odditymedium wrote:Yes, musics in plural.