It is brought up how she’s all but kicked a heroin habit, but is about to take it up again. I think I now go somewhere with Niki - though it feels not as if we’re going together - but simply to the same place at the same time. I think I smoked it too far? and it felt like the soft plastic piece sort of broke off when I got to the end. I smoke one down, self conscious of my aggressive in and exhales, and want another, ashamedly. The inside slides open, revealing the cigarettes that also seem too large and like they’re made of plastic. This carton is overly large and light blue. I hold it between my middle and index fingers, noticing that everyone else does too. I have a pack of cigarettes and am smoking one.

I am outside somewhere that seems like a college campus or some other communal area. He places a small, circular, water-logged piece of meat onto the wood and then proceeds to clamber out of the water that seems turgid and turbulent yet somehow still. I end up by him (in the water?) and am going to help him up. He does have a grasp, but appears mostly stuck. He’s been fine so far, but when he jumps onto one of the bridges, quite a ways from the bank, the pieces give way, causing his legs to slip through and him to be caught on one of the supports. When I watch Jon walk over some of them, the pieces move, swiveling, like a bead on a necklace. They are dark wood pieces placed parallel with the river, creating a flat bridge with supports every few pieces. There are multiple wooden bridges across this river as we move onward. He also keeps saying something about a spider (the image in my head is a large, black one, maybe a black widow). I think there may also be a house, as Jon is saying and keeps saying something about ‘Jim’. The air is cooler and it is more dim and not as exposed. I’m with Jon, and we’re on more flat but forested terrain. Looking out the window, I think about how there’s still a little ways to go. A lady comes over, I think we need a little longer, then it takes a while for her to come back. We’re seated at a table close to the corner and the bar, and we’re going to try a beer here. I end up in this building - a bar and grill or something - with Dad. We’re now reaching a crest in the hill and a building up here. I don’t think it’s bad, but as I look at the incline and overgrowth, I could see how it would be for someone not used to it. Someone walking with me makes a comment about them taking us on a strenuous walk. The socks are kind of annoying on my ankles and the pants are hot and not giving me as much flexibility as I’d like. The lines now proceed up a moderate hill on an old, overgrown dirt road. Someone clarifies that we have ‘moved up’ to Fireflies, so I move over. I get into the ‘Lovebug’ line and none of the people my age in it look familiar. There are three lines of people, with about 20 or less in the largest line. I am outside somewhere that looks very familiar - very similar to Frenchmans. I'm looking at the ground at dirt and a white towel covered in dirt. A guy comes out of the restaurant and starts to whisper to Lizzie and I think he's trying to get her to ditch me and go inside. I get the thought that Lizzie was going to this italian restaurant with the group of people but I was not invited. The dream shifts and we're now out in some mountains similar to LA. James reaches over and pulls off the hat of one of the kids in the stroller like a lid and inside is a premade second gb filled with water. The 10 year old is smoking out of a gatorade bottle gb which shocked me. My view shifts to a garage with a car and in front are two kids in a double stroller and another kid who is about 10 years old. I get the feeling that they had been hanging out all day together and getting high. I notice James Bu and a group of guys who I think are Lizzie's friends.

I get up into the archway and it's a living space with a few rooms. The thing was like a metal fencing that fell backwards when I put my weight on it and I hit the ground. Eventually I did find one that was hiked up and I was trying to lower it.Īfter that I grabbed onto this thing to pull myself up on the outside of the courtyard into one of the archways. My view was shifting throughout the courtyard, it was fairly crowded with students hanging out and walking around.

The outside walls had a step up into archways that led out of the courtyard. I was in an open courtyard that had a clear middle and then on the outside were a handful of treadmills that were hiked up very steep like three feet up. The dream was in a courtyard but also some sort of gymnasium too.